What type of shapewear should we choose depending on the outfit?


Women always want to look better. Regardless of the occasion, when we leave the house we want to look good in the chosen outfit and not to see the extra centimeters we have. Of course, it is not a rule that we have to fit into a certain pattern in order to feel good in our own skin. But, when needed and we really want to hide some imperfections, we can confidently use various tricks, such as shapewear.

And let’s be honest… any woman, no matter how many kilos she weighs, always seems to want to look better. And shapewear gives us the advantage of being an accessible trick. We will talk about this in today’s article.

What type of shapewear should we choose depending on the outfit?

For jeans

If we want to look perfect in a pair of fitted jeans, we can opt for shaping tights. They fit perfectly on the thighs, hips and waist, so that when we wear our favorite jeans, those extra centimeters will be hidden and the tights won’t even be seen.

For fitted dresses

Fitted dresses require a beautiful body and any small imperfection can be seen. If we want to hide this, it is important to choose a built-in shapewear dress. This has the role of hiding all the imperfections of the body, so that even the smallest defect will not be visible through the dress. By choosing such a shapewear model, we will hide the imperfections of the waist, hips and thighs, giving the feeling of an hourglass body.

For any outfit

Of course, in order not to have several models of shapewear, we can opt for a full body model so that it can be worn with any outfit without exception. The full body shaper for women hides the imperfections of the waist, hips and thighs so that it can be worn with dresses, pants or skirts. It is also an advantageous model because it is not necessary to spend money on several models of shapewear.

Shapellx.com is an online store that offers us a varied range of models of shapewear, depending on preferences regarding the model or color. If you also want to look good in any outfit, then such a model of underwear is necessary in the wardrobe.


Femeile isi doresc intotdeauna sa arate cat mai bine. Indiferent de ocazie, atunci cand iesim din casa ne dorim sa aratam bine in tinuta aleasa iar centimetrii pe care ii avem in plus, sa nu se vada. Bineinteles, nu este o regula ca trebuie sa ne incadram intr-un anumit tipar pentru a ne simti bine in pielea noastra. Insa, atunci cand e nevoie si chiar ne dorim sa ascundem unele imperfectiuni, putem apela cu incredere la diverse trucuri, cum ar fi lenjeria modelatoare.

Si sa fim sincere.. orice femeie, indiferent de cate kilograme are, parca ar vrea intotdeauna sa arate mai bine. Iar lenjeria modelatoare ne ofera avantajul de a fi un truc accesibil Despre asta vom vorbi in articolul de astazi.

Ce tip de lenjerie modelatoare sa alegem in functie de tinuta?

Pentru jeansi

Daca ne dorim sa aratam perfect intr-o pereche de jeansi mulati, putem opta pentru colantii modelatori. Acestia se muleaza perfect pe coapse, solduri dar si talie, astfel incat atunci cand vom purta jeansii preferati, acei centimetri in plus vor fi mascati si colantii nici nu se vor vedea.

Pentru rochii mulate

Rochiile mulate necesita un corp frumos si orice mica imperfectiune se poate vedea, Daca vrem sa ascundem asta, e important sa alegem o rochie modelatoare. Aceasta are rolul de a ascunde toate imperfectiunile corpului, astfel incat prin rochie nici cel mai mic defect nu va fi vizibil. Alegand un astfel de model de lenjerie modelatoare vom ascunde atat imperfectiunile din zona taliei,  a soldurilor dar si a coapselor, dand senzatia de corp clepsidra.

Pentru orice tinuta

Bineinteles, ca sa nu avem mai multe modele de lenjerii modelatoare putem opta un model full body astfel incat acesta poate fi purtat la orice tinuta fara exceptie. Lenjeria modelatoare full body ascunde imperfectiunile din zona taliei, a soldurilor si coapselor astfel incat poate fi purtata atat la rochii, pantaloni sau fuste. E si un model avantajos pentru ca nu e necesar sa cheltuim bani pe mai multe modele de lenjerie modelatoare.

Shapellx.com este un magazin online care ne ofera o gama variata de modele de lenjerii modelatoare, in functie de preferinte in ceea ce priveste modelul sau culoare. Daca vreti si voi sa aratati bine in orice tinuta, atunci un astfel de model de lenjerie este necesar in garderoba.

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Barbieru Cristina

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